
Candidate Testimonial – How Australiance Helped A French Student Secure an Internship in Australia

Australiance Talent supports startups and SMEs in the journey of growing their team across Australia and APAC region.

Today, Justine shares her experience of how Australiance Talent facilitated her journey to becoming a Marketing Intern for Table Manners, one of their clients.

1. Can you introduce of yourself, your current role, and how you came to work with Australiance Talent?

My name is Justine, and I’m a French student taking a gap year and was looking to complete a six-months internship abroad. I was then recruited by Australiance as a Marketing Intern for Table Manners, an Australian company that distributes European brands in Australia.

2. Can you retell us about the recruitment process with Australiance?

I first saw the job offer on Australiance Talent job board website. After applying, I had a video call with members of the Australiance team. During the call, they tried to understand my profile and what I was looking for, while also providing more information about the marketing internship and the company I had applied to. They then communicated my profile to my future manager and organised an online meeting for us.

3. What aspect of the recruitment process brought you the greatest satisfaction?

Australiance tailored their approach to fit my profile and situation perfectly. They were very understanding of my being in France, dealing with time zone differences and visa issues. They provided tips regarding relocation, such as finding accommodations, opening a local Australian bank account, and navigating transportation. Once in Australia, they continued to follow up to ensure that I settled in well.

4. How did you managed to land the marketing internship role?

I believe I landed the marketing intern role by being highly proactive. I responded promptly, asked insightful questions, and made constructive suggestions throughout the process.

5. Would you recommend Australiance to others?

Yes, of course! Australiance is a serious and committed company that provides excellent support and guidance.

6. Was there anything about our service that you want us to improve on?

Not particularly. Throughout my recruitment process, there wasn’t anything that unsettled me. I found the experience with the recruiter to be both highly professional and approachable, which put me at ease.

At Australiance, we are committed to helping both candidates and companies to meet their needs!

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